"It is our duty to train and become more responsible as gun owners, so that we are able to defend our communities, family's, and personal well being."

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Founder & Director of Operations

Nathanael A. Malley

USCCA Certified Instructor

It is my passion and personal mission to educate and develop people of good morale character to become more able to handle firearms and as well conduct themselves proficiently in emergency situations.

We are in unique time in the United States of America where the need to be able to defend and protect oneself and innocent bystanders is becoming more and more necessary. From going to work, to the store, a walk in your own neighborhood, and our very homes.  The acts of predators and persons with ill intent, push the boundaries of the majority that seek peace.

So, it is a calling and a responsibility that we the people must answer.  That we must take the time and effort to learn and develop the skill sets to protect ourselves, communities, and family's. So that we may all rest more easy knowing that the good people who are willing to fight against those would do harm with evil intent.


"We aim to elevate your competence & confidence with firearms & security."


CCW Certification w/ North Carolina

Accredited with the North Carolina Department of Justice to teach and instruct Conceal Carry Handgun course.

Class Services

Firearms Instruction, Development & Live Fire Training

We work with all different ranges of skill. From no experience to a lot of experience.  We objectively look and analyze what is needed to elevate you to the next level to reach your goals.

Private Services

Home & Business Services with Assessments & Training

We offer a large range of personalized services for residential & commercial locations. Security, safety, and risk assessments. Scenario based training with protocol practices. Personalized models for individuals to large groups.